
​​​​​​​What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

A child’s well-being is always our priority.  We are a Thrive School and forming strong, positive relationships with our children lie at the heart of everything that we do. Every interaction counts and Thrive is embraced throughout every session every day.


Behaviour in school is carefully monitored; strategies include zone board; positive behaviour management; Thrive; RPI training; SEN hub support; Restorative Practice; liaison with parents and phone calls and letters home.


Training is given to staff for medical needs when they arise. We have Individual Intimate Care Plans and staff will change nappies where necessary.


Administration of prescription medicines:

  • Administration of prescription medicines is co-ordinated by the School Office.
  • Authorisation forms can be obtained from the School Office.
  • Medicines are kept in a locked cupboard in the School Office or refrigerated if necessary.
  • When needed in class provisions are made.
  • The administration of medicines is carried out in line with the schools medicine policy, details of which can be obtained from the School Office.