
Autumn term

At the beginning of our new school year both Barwics's Busy Bees and Busy Learners came together to embark on their new learning adventures! 


The first part of the Autumn has been all about settling in, making new friends and greeting old ones. It has been lovely to see the children reunited after the summer break and we are already excited to see what this year brings! 


We have welcomed lots of new young friends this term already and they have settled in so well, making us super proud. This time of year is always a magical one and its a pure joy to see new friendships develop through play! 

Building Friendships


We have been busy building lots of new friendships and it has been lovely to see the children settle well into Nursery life! Take a look at the gallery below to see friendship and collaboration in action! 

The Wonders of Wildlife


We love exploring the natural world and wildlife can ignite so much passion and conversation within the children's learning. Whilst busy playing, the children discovered a tiny toad in the digging den! We were so excited to observe the toad in its habitat. This ignited a wonderful conversation between the children and is a perfect example of children's individual interests. 


Here are just a few of the quotes from the children: 

"It's a toad, it jump"


It's jumping all over Mr Snowdon!"


"It's not a frog, it's a toad"


"The toad looks a bit like a spider, it's small" 

If you go down to the woods today...


We have loved going the forest and for some of the children it was the first time visiting! We love exploring nature and the forest offers us just that and more. We engage in lots of safe, measured risk taking such as climbing which enables us to explore our physical boundaries and develop resilience. 





Space Week!


One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Barwic Blast off!!!! We had the best time exploring Space in Nursery. We loved learning new songs all about the solar system and engaged in lots of fun filled Space themed activities. Our tuff tray was covered in Moon dust which we explored with such excitement. We all then designed and painted our own planets using water colours. We also worked together to build a giant space rocket using the soft play! Learning about Space has made us all want to be astronauts! 


Space has also inspired our Squiggle whilst you wiggle group times as we used chunky chalk to draw our own planets on large scale paper. This helped with our whole body strength and development too. The fun didn't stop there though because we also made our very own rockets. We used collage material of different shapes, sizes and colour to make our rockets as colourful as possible! 


We LOVED making our very own yummy Space biscuits! We worked together to measure/weigh the ingredients and then mixed it all together. We cut our own biscuits by ourselves and decorated them using colourful earth themed icing sugar! They were delicious! 




Bonjour! We have grabbed our passports, packed a bag and hopped onto the Euro Star as we took part in school's Globetrotters event. We loved using our imaginations to explore the wonders of France. We have learnt some fun facts too and have been particularly interested in all of the amazing buildings there! This inspired our building in the construction area as we had as go at making our own Eiffel Tower! 


Our Nursery magically turned into a French restaurant for the day where we indulged in lots of french cuisine! The croissants were a success and we all spread our own jam onto the scrumptious baguettes that we tried. 


