
​​​​​​​How will I know how my child is doing?

We have parents evening during the Autumn and Spring term where you will be able to find out about what your child is doing and how they are progressing towards their targets, children are invited along to the meetings to discuss the progress they have made.  


We regularly open our doors for parents to come and spend some time within school looking at the work their children have produced and generally celebrating success, we always encourage parental involvement in our school.  We also provide opportunities for you to come into school and work with your child in their class.  The school operates an open door policy whereby parents can pop in to speak to the class teacher- if they are not available then a meeting can be arranged.


Formal assessments take place on a half-termly basis but if staff are concerned between these times they will approach parents. Home school books are used when it is beneficial and information is planners are used daily to communicate with parents. SEN Support Plans are reviewed and updated on a six weekly cycle and signed by the teacher, parent and child (where appropriate). Our aim is for pupils with SEND to make at least expected progress, in line with their peers.
