At Barwic Parade, we understand and recognise the importance of science in all aspects of daily life. We aim to encourage all children to develop a curiosity for the world around them, asking their own questions and seeking their own answers. The influence of science is far-reaching and we aim to prepare our children for this by opening their minds to all areas that can be explored. We believe that learning about different scientific knowledge, processes and uses will provide a strong foundation for understanding the changing world we live in.
Throughout their time at Barwic Parade, we want children to deepen their learning, maximising all opportunities for discussion, discovery and investigation about different topics. We want to promote collaboration, working scientifically and, ultimately, develop the problem-solvers of the future. Because we understand the importance of science and its status as a core subject, our curriculum gives it the prominence it deserves. Weekly science lessons provide children with opportunities to develop their knowledge and practical skills on different topics organised under the headings biology, chemistry and physics.
Characteristics of a scientist:
Science is taught twice a week across the school in hour-long sessions and is done as part of our mixed-age curriculum. Our curriculum is based upon our reflections of the National Curriculum content and the concepts put forth in Chris Quigley's Essential Curriculum. Under the key headings of biology, chemistry and physics, our learning can be broken down further into the following topics:
Our curriculum is structured in such a way that each week, children across the school learn about a new topic. They then revisit these topics throughout the year at calculated intervals to refresh their knowledge and deepen their understanding. This is done in response to up to date, relevant research on how children learn and, mostly importantly, how children can best retain the information they process. Through this approach, children are able to make links between different aspects of science and build scheme on a continuous basis which then transfers their skills from week to week. Progression is mapped throughout the school from reception to year 6, including the progression of knowledge, of skills taught and of scientific vocabulary. Each year, children have access to the above topics and continue to build upon and deepen their understanding and experiences of each one.
Working scientifically is also covered within the curriculum and is an ongoing area of learning. It is incorporated into the different topic areas of science as well as STEM activities or themed days/ weeks. Children are taught the different enquiry types through scientific characters found in every classroom and use these within their work.
In addition, we annually celebrate World Space Week and British Science Week, promoting an enthusiasm for science and a desire to learn, explore and problem-solve. We are also proud to be a partnership school with Drax Power Station and work closely with engineers from Drax to enrich our curriculum.
Below is a little snippet of some of our curriculum planning (start of the Autumn term planning). This is taken from each phase to show you how we structure the layout of our planning and how the symbols are used to link to each topic:
Science Symbols & Images
In order to track progression of knowledge within each Science topic across the school, each topic area has a symbol or an image to represent that area of learning (for example any learning objective linked to 'Plants' will have the same image, or any learning objective linked to 'Animals, including humans' will have the same image. This can be found within the long term planning documents for each phase and they are also stuck in the children's books in order to help the subject leader track that progression of knowledge from EYFS all the way through to Year 6.
Assessment and mini quizzes are something which are planned into our curriculum in order to inform teaching and support pupils. End of topic assessments are completed throughout each term to enable the teachers to track the progress children are making and to check that the structure of our curriculum is working. Metacognition skills are applied within science to allow children to reflect and evaluate. These reflections are useful for both the pupil and teacher and can be used to identify which strategies within the classroom have the greatest positive impact on pupils' learning.
Drax Visit - Year 5/6 (Reversible and Irreversible changes)
Home learning 2020 (lockdown)
Here are just some examples of the brilliant science work being done at home. It's great to see so many experimenting, working scientifically and deepening their knowledge!