
Key Stage 1

Most Recent Newsletter...

Missed our welcome meeting? Have a look at the slides!

Science Outdoors - Heads , shoulders, knees and toes (and everything else we could think of!)

Welcome to Year 1/2
Meet our Team 2024-2025

Miss Kirkland         Phase Leader, Year 2 Teacher & Inclusion Lead
Mrs Ault

Year 1 Teacher

Mrs Nutbrown

Year 1 Teacher
Mrs WaringTeaching Assistant - Year 1
Mrs FawcettTeaching Assistant - Year 1
Mrs BetteridgeTeaching Assistant - Year 2



The 'Must-do's!'

All planners MUST be in school every day - they are important for us to use to communicate with you; noting when children have read in school and recording homework tasks and spelling. Most importantly, this is where you will see the many golden stars that your amazing children receive!


Please make sure children read to an adult every day. Reading is vital to ensure that children make progress with their learning.  Daily reading will help to develop the children's decoding (reading the letters and saying the sounds), fluency (reading at a careful speed with expression), stamina (reading a lot and fast but without error!) and comprehension skills (understanding what they are reading!). 


Be sure to make a note in your child's planner when they have read and these will count towards getting a special reading certificate in assembly!


We are committed to ensuring that your child has the correct and best books to start their reading journey. In return, we ask you to please respect and look after all books that are being sent home. If books and diaries are damaged or lost we will ask you to cover the cost to replace these.







Please ensure that children attend school wearing the correct PE kit on their PE days:

  • White t-shirt
  • Black tracksuit bottoms
  • Black hooded top or sweatshirt
  • Trainers

All jewellery must be removed before each PE session (including earrings) and long hair should be tied up.



Homework will be set each Friday and should be returned the following Friday. Each week children will have spellings to learn and one other task to complete. The task will always be linked to the learning that has taken place in class and will help to consolidate this learning. 


Failure to complete homework will result in children missing part of their break time in order to complete this.



Don't forget to log in to your Edshed account and complete tasks set. This will give us more chance of winning the spelling shed and maths shed trophies in Friday's celebration assembly. Log in details can be found in the front of your planners. Please find the link below to the website. 
