Key Stage 2 Results Summer 2022
In summer 2022, we had 31 Year 6 children who took the end of Key Stage 2 SATS. 17 boys and 14 girls.
26% of children had English as an Additional Language.
16% of children had SEND.
42% of children received Pupil Premium Funding.
The number of children who achieved the expected standard was:
Subject | Working at Expected standard | Working at greater depth |
Reading | 52% | 16% |
Writing | 32% | 0% |
Maths | 58% | 77% |
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling | 45% | 7% |
Reading, writing and maths combined | 32% | 0% |
The progress scores for Barwic Parade in 2022:
The average scaled scores for Barwic Parade in 2022:
-Please note that these results may change after validation
National comparison
In reading, 74% of children achieved the expected standard nationally.
In writing, % of children achieved the expected standard nationally.
In mathematics,71% of children achieved the expected standard nationally.
In reading, writing and maths (combined), 59% of children achieved the expected standard nationally.
The average scaled score in reading was 104.8 nationally.
The average scaled score in GPS was 105.1 nationally.
The average scaled score in mathematics was 103.8 nationally.
Key Stage 2 Results Summer 2019
In summer 2019, we had 35 Year 6 children who took the end of Key Stage 2 SATS.
The number of children who achieved the expected standard was:
Subject | Working at Expected standard | Working at greater depth |
Reading | 56% | 11% |
Writing | 72% | 17% |
Maths | 72% | 17% |
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling | 42% | 17% |
Reading, writing and maths combined | 53% | 6% |
The progress scores for Barwic Parade in 2019:
The average scaled scores for Barwic Parade in 2019:
National comparison
In reading, 73% of children achieved the expected standard nationally.
In writing, 78% of children achieved the expected standard nationally.
In mathematics,79% of children achieved the expected standard nationally.
In reading, writing and maths (combined), % of children achieved the expected standard nationally.
The average scaled score in reading was 104 nationally.
The average scaled score in GPS was 106 nationally.
The average scaled score in mathematics was 105 nationally.