Quality First Teaching and High quality support for learning within mainstream lessons is the most important factor in helping pupils with SEND to make good progress alongside their peers. Teaching assistants are deployed where the need is and this can be done on a lesson by lesson basis in order to respond flexibly and swiftly to need. This may be in the form of in class support or interventions run outside of the Maths and English lessons. Many of the interventions we offer are written by Teachers and Teach Assistants and are bespoke to the needs of the children within school, this ensures that we can offer the most robust packages of to support to children with specific needs. Governors will question the provisions and the impact they are having on the children.
For a very few children more help will be needed than is normally available through the school’s own resources. Schools, parents and other agencies may decide that it is necessary to request an Education Health and Care Plan through the local authority. We can talk to you about this in more detail or you can contact the SEND information, advice and support service (SENDIASS) on 01609 536923.