Barwic Parade Community Primary School
A school where everybody matters and every moment counts
Our ethos and aims are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
At Barwic Parade we put our children at the heart of everything we do. We believe that every child can do amazing things and it’s our job to help make this potential a reality. We aim to deliver an outstanding education and unlock doors to learning so that every child is empowered to choose their own future.
Our children develop a love of learning in a nurturing, inspiring environment which develops their resilience, confidence and independence. They thrive from the tailored support they are given from our highly skilled, dedicated and passionate staff. Our children enjoy the challenges that learning and striving for excellence bring. They are inquisitive and courageous; they enjoy asking questions and finding answers to expand their own learning. Our children are reflective learners, taking part in daily ‘reflection time’ discussions in class where they can share their thoughts and feelings about anything.
At Barwic Parade we all aim to achieve excellence and share excellence within our community. We have high expectations of all and expect everyone to follow our inclusive school rules which are designed to keep us all happy and safe. We deliver a bespoke curriculum, designed especially for our school, and all staff use restorative behaviour practices which strengthen relationships and enhance our climate of care within our community.
Our Aims