


                                                Welcome to Reception- Rainbows- 

                     where our children remain at the heart                                    of everything we do! 


We would like to wish you a warm welcome to Rainbows! Reception follows Nursery, for 4 and 5 year old children. We believe that every child can do amazing things and it is our job to help make this potential a reality, by delivering an outstanding education which meets all children's needs and interests whilst having fun and learning through experience. 


We are a nurturing, encouraging setting bringing out the best in every unique child and  preparing them with the knowledge and skills for their school learning journey. We provide hands on learning through a combination of whole class sessions;  1:1 learning and a dedicated 2 hours of learning through play daily for all of our children. 


Our team of experienced Early Years  practitioners  are specifically  trained in early childhood development and passionate about each child reaching their maximum potential in a safe, nurturing, enabling  learning environment.  


We have lots of fun in Reception, learning in a hands-on environment filled with awe, wonder and opportunities to explore. Every day we have a balance of carpet time learning Phase 2 and 3 Phonics, Literacy, Maths Mastery and Learning Through Stories, together with over an hour of protected child-led learning time twice daily, with access to both indoors and out, when our children can be curious and become engrossed in their learning experiences. Adults are always on hand to support and elevate the learning within the children's play. 



We carefully design our curriculum so that it offers exciting and inspiring opportunities for all children to learn and develop. We provide children with early knowledge to build on their understanding of our world and the life skills they need to learn and prepare for the next ahead. Our umbrella topics over the year include All About Me, Seasons, Celebrations, weekly Forest Sessions and Globetrotters, in addition to Past and Present, People Culture and Communities, The Natural World, and Expressive Arts and Design. Although we have overarching themes, these are not rigid and we will follow children's interests when they arise. 




The Reception Team


Mrs Ayed-Early Years Leader & Reception Teacher

Mrs Waring-Reception Teaching Assistant

Mrs Fawcett - Reception lunchtime Teaching Assistant  

Mrs Weldon - cover HLTA 



Mrs Ayed is our Early Years Leader, overseeing Nursery and Reception, and is the Reception Teacher.  She has over 20 years experience in Early Years Education, working in Pre-School, Nursery, Reception and Key Stage One.  Working closely in collaboration with all the Nursery Team, Mrs Ayed strives to ensure that our children make the most of every magical moment each day. She plans and implements a best practice, holistic approach which includes all 17 areas of the Early Years curriculum and provide the very best education and care in an enabling environment, in which we passionately believe that the emotional wellbeing of all children underpins all learning.


Mrs Waring has extensive experience within Early Years and Key Stage One, providing the children with the highest standard of support during their learning.   She is highly knowledgeable in knowing the breadth of key skills that Reception children need to attain before they embark on their future learning adventures beyond the Early Years. Mrs Waring also runs the Nuffield Education Language Intervention programme to support our English as Additional Language and Language children and children requiring further speech and language/social emotional development with Early Language and Communication  over the year. 


Mrs Fawcett has worked at Barwic Parade for over 15 years and supervises our Reception children over lunchtime, ensuring they maximise all outdoor child-led learning opportunities. 


Mrs Weldon joins us in Reception every Friday morning teaching  Yoga, Spanish, Dance; as well as indoor PE in the Main Hall or our bespoke outdoor sport court.  


