We are incredibly excited to inform you that Mrs Morris will be giving parents the opportunity to attend another 'Thrive Parenting Course'. This is an opportunity to gain a more developed understanding of Thrive and to create your very own bank of ideas of how to support your children to grow and develop! You may even receive some little freebies along the way!
The sessions dates and times will be shared with you in due course.
Fill in the Google Form if you'd like to be part of the fun
At Barwic Parade, Thrive underpins everything we do, from lessons to lunchtimes, we put relationships at the heart of our school. The Thrive Approach allows us to support healthy social, emotional, and cognitive development as our children grow into resilient, successful, valued members of society - regardless of what barriers stand in their way. The Thrive Approach has taught us how to be and what to do in response to young people's different and sometimes challenging behaviour, providing targeted strategies and activities to help them re-engage with life and learning.
Meet the Thrive Team
Name | Role |
Sarah Dixon | Head Teacher & Thrive Practioner |
Becky Kirkland | Thrive Leader |
Jodie Morris | Thrive Leader |
Natalie Weldon | Thrive Practioner |
Vikki Fawcett | Thrive Practioner |
EVERYBODY, no matter what their background - where they grew up, who their parents were, what materialistic things they could access - has holes in their emotional development. Interrupted emotional development underpins many troubling behaviours and can often lead to under-achievement. The carefully designed Thrive activities enable us as a school to fill the gaps for children to ensure they access learning and develop into well-rounded citizens. We will always share the children's Thrive journeys with you and help you to be part of it too!
Barwic is a Thrive school, which means that every single pupil accesses thrive sessions in their class, every single week, to ensure that any gaps in their social and emotional development are filled. We have been busy profiling all classes and this week we begin our class action plans. The Thrive Approach runs through every lesson, every conversation, every interaction we have.
It is important that as Teachers and Parents we recognise that the behaviour that we observe each and everyday is a communicator. The behaviours the children display are telling us something and the way in which we respond to such behaviours is a significant part of the Thrive practice adopt.
Children at Barwic complete their Thrive journeys through one-to-one, group and whole class sessions. All children accessing Thrive on a one-to-one are assessed individually in order to ensure they have a personalised plan tailored to meet their needs.