At Barwic Parade Community Primary School, we recognise the contribution of PE to the health and well-being of the children. We believe that an innovative, varied PE curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of all our children.
Our Primary School PE and Sport’s Funding enables us to continue and extend our provision through employing additional sports professionals, entering into more competitive sports competitions and developing and training our staff to deliver in-house quality PE sessions.
What is the Sports Premium?
The government has been providing funding of £150 million per annum since the academic year 2013/14 to provide new and substantial primary school sport funding. The funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to primary school headteachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. Each school will receive £8,000 plus an extra £5 per pupil.
Here at Barwic Parade Community Primary School, that means around £9,000 a year. The money can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.
Purpose of the funding
Schools will have to spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.
Uses of the funding
The Primary School PE and Sport’s Funding has enabled Barwic Parade Community Primary School to invest in a variety of activities leading to improved PE and sports experiences for pupils. You can read more about our plans and spend in the attached documents.
House Teams
Why do we have houses?
We feel that children will benefit from being members of mixed age school teams. It helps develop opportunities for year groups to work together, encourages children to support each other, gives them a strong sense of responsibility and belonging and provides them with a range of additional activities to take part in. This system aims to encourage a real sense of pride and achievement for the children. It fosters community spirit and gives the children an opportunity to contribute to something bigger, which involves children from all year groups.
How many houses are there?
There are four houses with balanced numbers of boys and girls and numbers from each year group. Children are not moved into another house unless there are exceptional circumstances.
House teams: Amazing Ambers, Excellent Emeralds, Radiant Rubies, Super Sapphires
How are the houses managed?
From September 2018, there will be two house captains for each house. One boy and one girl for each, the children in Year 6 will put themselves forward and are then elected.
When is the house system used?
There is a house point system, where children earn points individually or in small groups and these are collected together at the end of each half term and a prize is awarded. It is also used on Sports Day, other whole school team events and during fund raising activities.
How do children get house points?
Children can earn points individually for being good learners, by showing effort and determination, confidence and for great personal achievement. Points are also awarded for working well with others by getting along, working as a team (PE lessons & Sports day) and being organised. Any member of staff can award house points.