
Early Years

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) applies to children in Nursery (Lower Foundation) and Reception (Upper Foundation). At Barwic Parade, children can start Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday and Reception at the start of the school year in which they are 5 years old. The EYFS is crucial in every child’s development and during those years basic skills and attitudes to learning and socialising are established.


'Children in the Early Years make good progress because teaching is good and the activities provided are engaging. Children behave well and parents are encouraged to be part of their child’s learning’.

Ofsted Report May 2014


At Barwic Parade our children's wellbeing is at the heart of our Early Years ethos.  We recognise and embrace that every child  is individual and unique,  striving to ensure that children settle in to school life as rapidly and smoothly as possible.    The enabling indoor and outdoor environments within our setting  are continually reviewed,  adapted and enhanced to suit our children's interests and next steps. Embracing children's naturally inquisitive natures,  we encourage positive  attitudes to maximise learning potentialthrough a balance of of adult-led and child-initiated play opportunities, based on prior experiences and interests of our children. We value independent learning and creative thinking, while at the same time setting ambitious attainment targets and making behavioural expectations clear and consistent. We aim to support children with special educational needs and to develop a working partnership between home and school for all to enable every child to develop in confidence and increasing independence.
