
School Pupil Council - Miss Kirkland

Due to Covid-19, our school council elections and meetings are currently suspended as our wonderful members are in different bubbles within school.


We are all excited to begin our meetings again as soon as we are able and keep doing amazing work for our Barwic Parade community.



Some of our awesome School Councillors!

So...What is the School Council and why do we do it?


We encourage the children to have their say about school matters.


This has been made possible by the formation of the School Council. The Council has been elected by the pupils themselves and has an important role to play in the development and improvement of the school for the pupils. Pupils are also asked to complete questionnaires at various times of the year, regarding various areas of school life to enable us to measure their response and make necessary alterations in the future.


The School council meet fortnightly to discuss any matters or issues of interest to the children within the school environment, surrounding community and things affecting the world around them. E.g. Red Nose day, Children in need and Selby Food Bank.


As a School Council we see ourselves as the voice of all pupils in the school. Our links with staff, parents, pupils, the governors and community enable us to participate in decisions about learning, fundraising and the success of our school.

Barwic Parade Community Primary School has an active School Council which ensures all pupils voices are heard in the running of the school. It works as follows: each class elects two members to the Council each year. Class representatives report back to their class and help make the ideas they agree on happen, making sure that everybody matters and every moment counts.


Previous projects:


Juice Bar

Hot Chocolate shop

Improving the playground


Creating a film to support anti-bullying

Raising money for school

Obtaining pupil views
